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  • Writer's pictureLemonTree

Porcini Risotto with Confit Egg Yolk

I love porcini mushroom risotto and normally I make them with dried porcini so when I found fresh porcini at a local market, I can't wait to experiment the flavours. I must say that although they smell amazing, and had a lovely aroma, I was quietly underwhelmed by the result. The risotto tasted lovely but wasn't as amazing as I had hoped, it lacked the intense aroma of the dried version I was used to and expecting. I was glad I had also used the fresh porcini in another dish that I'll share later but for risotto, I'll be happy to go back to the dried version next time.

Difficulty: Medium

Time: 15min prep, 45 min cooking

Serves: 2


Porcini Risotto

- 2 medium sized fresh porcini mushroom sliced

- 1 cup arborio rice

- 1/2 cup dry white wine

- 2 cups chicken stock

- 1 shallot finely diced

- 2 sprigs of thyme

- 1/2 cup parmesan

- 1 heaped tbsp ricotta

- 4 tbsp of olive oil

- salt

- pepper

Confit Egg Yolk

- 2 egg yolks

- 2 tbsp olive oil


- 1 tbsp shaved pecorino

- 1 tbsp lemon zest

- sorrel leaves


1. Put the egg yolks with some olive oil in a zip lock bag and cook in a hot water bath at 63 degrees over 45 minutes with a sous vide stick.

2. Stir fry the fresh porcini mushroom in a thick pan with oil until softened and golden brown. Take it out and set aside.

3. Sauté the shallots in oil until softened in the same pan, add the arborio rice and cook for a few minutes until golden and semi translucent before adding the white wine. Wait for the liquid to be fully absorbed before adding the chicken stock, a ladle at a time whilst continuing stirring until the liquid is fully absorbed before adding the next ladle. Repeat until the rice is fully cooked with a slight bite in the middle (approx. 20-30min). Add more liquid if required.

4. Reduce the heat to low before adding the porcini mushrooms, thyme, ricotta cheese and permesan cheese into the rice. Keep stirring for a few more minutes for the flavour to be fully incorporated. Taste and season with salt and pepper.

5. Plate by putting the risotto in the middle of the plate, top with confit egg yolk and garnish. Enjoy!

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